Beggar King is a 2D platformer survival game originally made in GMTK 2017 game jam. It has since been iterated with new art and features.
Making of…
The original Beggar King was made in 2017 for the Game Maker’s Toolkit Game Jam within 48 hours by Kevin Hu and Sichen Liu. Set in a 20th century metropolitan city, the game challenges the player to survive on the streets by saving spare coins, dodging malicious mobs, and fighting constant hunger.
Two years after its original publication, the game was redesigned with a Chinese aesthetic, similar to but not entirely copied from the Dunhuang murals art style. The world setting is brought back to ancient China - a time where regulated begging was a social norm and beggar communities were highly organized. The game is still currently being developed by the same author (me!) who is begging to survive at college.